The founder's one-year-old son had some skin problems, and he was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis by the dermatologist. It was unexpected, mainly because it is a disease with no cure.
The doctor advised her: Make sure you use UV protection all the time.
" She was so shocked that she had no memory of returning to her home from dermatology.
"How do I protect my son from UV rays?"
Immediately she started to search for UV protective clothing.
However, she was not able to find anything with good quality and efficiency. Finally, she found the UV cut material.
She thought, "If there is a UV cut material, I can protect my son from ultraviolet rays if I make outerwear with that fabric!" She decided
to found a company and to make available nationwide UV protection products with proven efficacy, quality, and comfort.
At that time, her son started playing peek a boo. It gave her the idea of the brand name.
As Peekaboo reminded people when they were kids, it also a hide and seek game. Going out in the sun, but hiding the skin, protecting from the UV danger.
Peekaboo Japan today has the mission to provide education and solution against the short and long
term effects of the UV rays